Koyré Chair 3IA Côte d'Azur "Economic law and artificial intelligence" week

  • Education
  • Research
Published on October 18, 2024 Updated on October 18, 2024

from November 12, 2024 to November 15, 2024


Campus Trotabas

Amphi 202
Salle 430
Amphi 6 (IAE de Nice)
Chaire droit économique et IA novembre 2024
Chaire droit économique et IA novembre 2024

What legal approaches are needed to regulate total innovations?

The Chair is headed by Professor Marina Teller, 3IA Chairholder, who is in charge of the DL4T scientific program.

Tuesday afternoon, November 12 to Friday, November 15: program produced by Marina Teller in collaboration with Florian Martin-Bariteau (Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa).

Registration (compulsory for outsiders)

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