3IA Côte d'Azur Techpool's projects

Projects in progress

Development of a communication network clustering method and the web app associated with it.
3IA Chaire: Charles BOUVEYRON
Collaborators: Université Clermont-Auvergne (UCA)
Time: 8 months

Development and implementation of embedded DL model for ECG classification.
3IA Chaire: Maxime SERMESANT
Collaborators: Inn’Pulse
Time: 6 months

Code optimization of pharmacovigilance clustering algorithm and development of a web app for real-time monitoring and reporting.
3IA Chaire: Charles BOUVEYRON
Collaborators: Centre Régional de PharmacoVigilance (CRPV) des Alpes-Maritimes
Time: 1 month

AI method to orchestrate refinement and relaxation in a surface reconstruction algorithm using a variational clustering approach.
3IA Chairholder: Pierre Alliez
Collaborators: -
Time: 10 months

Past projects

Development of python IA tool for fast classification and annotation of sentences in legal documents.
3IA Chaire: Serena VILLATA
Collaborators: Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL)
Time: 1 year

Find the best method to replace missing values in health database.
3IA Chaire: Hervé DELINGETTE
Collaborators: COREVIH Pays de la Loire
Time: 3 weeks

Help with python package development named GemClus.
3IA Chaire: Pierre-Alexandre MATTEI
Collaborators: internal project without external collaborators
Time: 3 days

Development of a model able to identify topics in documents corpus of news and detection of weak signals.
3IA Chaire: Serena VILLATA and Charles BOUVEYRON
Collaborators: Secrétariat Général de la Défense et de la Sécurité Nationale (SGDSN)
Time: 6 months

Improvement of Trichtrack algorithm for video tracking of small Trichogramma insects.
3IA Chaire: François BREMOND
Collaborators: INRAE
Time: 2 months

Development of a Retrieval Augmented Generation tool that performs queries and analysis on biological data stored in RDF graphs for biology researchers
3IA Chaire: Fabien GANDON
Collaborators: internal project without external collaborators
Time: 3 months

Deployment of self-hosted video, image, text annotation tool with shared features among researchers
3IA Chaire: Frédéric PRECIOSO (associed to Chaire of Charles BOUVEYRON)
Collaborators: internal project without external collaborators
Time: 1 month

Automatic detection of news articles with potential interest for national defense.
3IA Chaire: Serena VILLATA
Collaborators: Secrétariat Général de la Défense et de la Sécurité Nationale (SGDSN)
Time: 1 year

Test of Physics Informed Neural Networks on use cases in aerodynamics, electromagnetism and traffic simulation.
3IA Chaire: Paola GOATIN
Collaborators: internal project without external collaborators
Time: 5 months

Implement specific loss function in python code with pytorch.
3IA Chaire: Jean-Pierre MERLET
Collaborators: internal project without external collaborators
Time: 1 month

Identity and evaluate quality of multiple databases, then develop an algorithm able to calculate travel time between different geographical coordinates.
3IA Chaire: Hervé DELINGETTE
Collaborators: MNCA, CHU Nice, GREDEG
Time: 1 year

Development of the French version of Webcrow, an automatic crosswords puzzles solver based on AI.
3IA Chaire: Marco GORI
Collaborators: expert.ai and the University of Siena
Time: 3 months

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