PhD students | Axis 1

Axis 1: Core Elements of AI


Zakarya El Khiyati (Jérémie Bec)

Research project
Reinforcement learning for the optimal locomotion of micro-swimmers in a complex chaotic environment

Flagellated micro-swimmers, reinforcement learning, turbulence, optimization, active particles


Rémi Felin (Chair of A. Tettamanzi)

Research project
Evolutionary Axiom Discovery from Knowledge Graph

Semantic web, Knowledge graphs, possibility theory, evolutionary algorithms

Université Côte d'Azur, i3S


Pierpaolo Goffredo (Chair of S. Villata)

Research project
Natural language counter argumentation to fight online disinformation

Natural Language Processing, Argument Mining, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Computational Linguistics, Political Debates



David Loiseaux (Chair of J-D. Boissonnat)

Research project
Multivariate topological data analysis for statistical machine learning

Topological and Geometrical Data Analysis, Persistent Homology, Geometric Inference, Machine Learning

Inria, Data Shape

Steve Malalel (Chair of J-C. Régin)

Research project
Decision-making process in a multi-objective environment including stochastic data


Université Côte d'Azur, I3S

Kevin Mottin (Chair of M. Gori)

Research project
Learning to Explain - Explain to Learn (L2EE2L)

Knowledge Representation, Explainability, Deep Learning, Machine Learning

Université Côte d'Azur, I3S, Inria - Maasai

Benjamin Ocampo 

Research project
Automatic detection of abusive content

Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Argument Mining, Hate Speech Detection, Natural Language Generation

Université Côte d'Azur, I3S

Celian Ringwald (Chair of F. Gandon)

Research project
Learning RDF pattern extractors for a language from dual Wikipedia/LOD databases

Semantic web, Knowledge graphs, NLP, Computational Linguistics, Deep Learning

Inria, I3S

Davide Adamo (Marco Corneli)

Research project
AI for archaeozoology: learning methods to identify and cluster faunal remains

Machine learning, Topological Data Analysis, Optimal Transport, Inter-active supervised learning, Unsupervised learning

Inria & CEPAM

Olivier Bisson (Chair of X. Pennec)

Research project
Geometry, stratification and applications of structured correlation matrices


Inria, Epione

Seydina Niang (Chair of C. Bouveyron)

Research project
Deep generative models for the joint analysis of network and continuous data


Université Côte d'Azur, Inria - MAASAI

Louis Hauseux (Konstantin Avrachenkov)

Research project
Classifiers on random graphs with applications to social networks and image processing


Inria, NEO

Xufeng Zhang (Chair of G. Neglia)

Research project
Incentives for Federated Learning

Machine Learning, Optimization, Online Caching

Inria, NEO

Greta Damo (Chair of E. Cabrio)

Research project
Argument-based counter narratives generation to fight online hate speech

Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Hate Speech, Data Mining

Université Côte d'Azur, Inria - WIMMICS

Mariam Grigoryan (Chair of V. Vandewalle)

Research project
Identification of molecular patterns to inform about chemical safety

Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Hate Speech, Data Mining

Université Côte d'Azur, Inria - MAASAI

Margaux Schmied (Chair of J-C. Régin)

Research project
Hybridation of Constraint Programming and Language Model


Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS / Laboratoire I3S

Madina Bekbergenova (L-F. Nothias)

Research project
Deep reinforcement learning for metabolomics mass spectrometry data acquisition


Institut de Chimie de Nice (ICN)