Chair holder | Cédric Richard


Cédric Richard (Université Côte d'Azur)

Short bio

Cédric Richard is Professor at the Laboratoire Lagrange, UCA. He has been a member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) in 2010-2015. His research interests lie at the intersection of statistical signal processing and machine learning, and how they have synergistic effects on system monitoring. In particular, his recent research works mostly focus on online system identification in a variety of forms, including: online learning, signal processing and learning over graphs and networks, adaptive signal processing, nonlinear systems and signal processing.


Research topic | Distributed dark fiber optic sensing for smart cities monitoring

Optical fiber, in addition to being a means of transmitting information, is also a material that is very sensitive to environmental variations. When a laser light pulse travels through an optical fiber, it interacts with tiny impurities in the material and optical backscattering occurs. The round-trip time of the light provides the locations of interactions and allows us to infer a backscattering profile along the fiber. Processing this response provides estimates of the local variations in temperature, deformation or acoustic pressure along the fiber. This technique, called Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing (DFOS), is currently experiencing growing interest.

The goal of our project is to develop a breakthrough framework for smart cities monitoring based on DFOS over existing dark fibers, and Artificial Intelligence.