Chair holder | Greger Ottosson



Greger Ottosson (Inria - IBM) | 3IA CHAIRHOLDER FROM 2021 TO JUNE 2023






Short bio

Greger Ottosson is an International and entrepreneurial software professional, with experience working in the US and Europe as an executive, product manager, technical seller, design thinker and developer. He is currently focused on Digital Decisioning platforms, in particular around using Machine Learning (ML) for enterprise decisions. Allowing business analysts to collaborate with data scientists to build and deploy ML models is an essential step for adoption of ML at scale.


Research topic | Trustworthy AI and Explainable Decisions for Business Automation

As we apply Machine Learning to automate decisions in financial services, healthcare and government, there is increasing user need and regulatory demand for transparency and explainability. Our AI research is focused on explainability for decisions that combine ML-based predictions and rule-based business policies.