41 academic chairs
52 PhD students & postdoctoral researchers
3 international chairs
52 PhD students & postdoctoral researchers
3 international chairs
140+ companies connections
81 contracts signed
€14.5M investment from companies
12 startups
1 industrial chair
81 contracts signed
€14.5M investment from companies
12 startups
1 industrial chair
23 AI programs
+50% increase in the number of people trained in AI
+50% increase in the number of people trained in AI
- Education
- Innovation
- Research
Second VOILA! season 2 seminar, in person! -
- Culture
- Research
- Education
First rendez-vous of VOILA! seminar season 2! -
- Human Resources
Andrea Pellizzeri, training coordinator, joined the University Côte d’Azur in September in EFELIA-3IA Côte d’Azur. -
- Human Resources
Thomas Mathieu, audiovisual and multimedia engineer, joined the University Côte d’Azur in September in EFELIA-3IA Côte d’Azur. -
- Knowledge transfer - Industry
- Innovation
- Science and society
"Innovative by definition, Corsican start-ups are the economic flagship of modernity on the island. While not all of them specialize in AI, some have made it the pillar of their development, the heart of their business." -
- Education
- Innovation
- Knowledge transfer - Industry
"Frédéric Precioso, a lecturer at Université Côte d'Azur and Polytech Nice Sophia, and a researcher in the MAASAI team, a joint venture between Inria, the University and CNRS, talks to us about the major Artificial Intelligence event to be held in the technology park from July 1 to 5: the Deep Learning School."
- 13 Sep
- 3 Oct
- 3 Oct
3IA Côte d'Azur consortium