Attention-based Multiple Instance Learning for Histopathology
Abstract: Although radiological images have long been used for computational analysis, the broad study of Whole Slide Images (WSIs), i.e., tissue samples, is much more recent. Histopathology, which is the analysis of said tissue, is the gold standard for tumor diagnosis. Therefore, much of the computational histology work to this day has focused on either cancer diagnosis or prognosis, looking for predictive biomarkers. However, WSIs display several characteristics which can be bothersome for the application of deep learning methods for instance. They are huge images, with billions of pixels, which no existing model can process directly. As a result, WSIs have to be split into images of smaller size, called tiles or patches, which can in turn be processed by the usual models. Theses patches are usually not labeled, whereas the slide is, which is why Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) and weak supervision are the main learning frameworks for computational histology. We will detail the working of one of these models: the attention-based deep MIL (Ilse et al., 2018), and discuss some ongoing improvements we are working on.