3IA PhD/Postdoc Seminar #39

  • Research
Published on July 5, 2024 Updated on November 5, 2024

on the November 8, 2024

from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Inria Sophia Antipolis

Monthly PhD and Postdoc seminar



Margaux SCHMIED (PhD, UCA)

Flash presentation: Improving assignment problems with costs

The success of Constraint Programming relies partly on the global constraints and implementation of the associated filtering algorithms. Recently, new ideas emerged to improve these implementations in practice, especially regarding the all different constraint.In this presentation, we consider the cardinality constraint with costs. The cardinality constraint is a generalization of the all different constraint that specifies the number of times each value must be taken by a given set of variables in a solution. The version with costs introduces an assignment cost and bounds the total sum of assignment costs. The arc consistency filtering algorithm of this constraint is difficult to use in practice, as it systematically searches for many shortest paths. We propose a new approach that works with upper bounds on shortest paths based on landmarks. This approach can be seen as a preprocessing. It is fast and avoids, in practice, a large number of explicit computations of shortest paths.

10:30 - 11:00
Victor DAVID (Researcher, INRIA)

An Axiomatic Study of the Evaluation of Enthymeme Decoding in Weighted Structured Argumentation

Abstract: An argument can be seen as a pair consisting of a set of premises and a claim supported by them.
Arguments used by humans are often enthymemes, i.e., some premises are implicit.
To better understand, evaluate, and compare enthymemes, it is essential to decode them, i.e., to find the missing premisses.
Many enthymeme decodings are possible.
We need to distinguish between reasonable decodings and unreasonable ones.
However, there is currently no research in the literature on “How to evaluate decodings?”.
To pave the way and achieve this goal, we introduce seven criteria related to decoding, based on different research areas.
Then, we introduce the notion of criterion measure, the objective of which is to evaluate a decoding with regard to a certain criterion.
Since such measures need to be validated, we introduce several desirable properties for them, called axioms.
Another main contribution of the paper is the construction of certain criterion measures that are validated by our axioms.
Such measures can be used to identify the best enthymemes decodings.

10:30 - 11:00
Rémy SUN (Researcher, INRIA)

Coming soon

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11:30 - 12:00

Open discussion about the three contributions

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Event reserved for 3IA Côte d'Azur PhD students and post-docs. ID check at the entrance of the site with visual bag inspection.