Round Table "Gender Equality: What is the Impact of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms?"
Published on March 2, 2022
Updated on October 28, 2022
on the March 8, 2022
from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
The objective of this roundtable is to present and critically discuss the main results of research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) to fight against prejudice and gender inequality.
This roundtable, organized on the International Women's Rights Day, is part of the societal challenges related to the fight against gender inequality and prejudice, for a more egalitarian and inclusive society.
This event is organized by the 3IA network (ANITI, MIAI, PR[AI]RIE, 3IA Côte d'Azur).
This round table will be moderated by Fabienne Martin-Juchat (MIAI) with interventions from Fanny Jourdan (ANITI), Rachel Bawden (PR[AI]RIE) and Serena Villata (3IA Côte d'Azur).